Three Rooms Press will publish Meagan Brothers’ new LGBT YA novel, WEIRD GIRL AND WHAT’S HIS NAME, this October 2015, and this quirky book is already receiving great early reviews. Kirkus Reviews weighed in this week:
In a small town in North Carolina, a close friendship between two eccentric high schoolers breaks apart, leaving a rift…Rory narrates the first half of the book and Lula, the second, and both voices are crisply and intimately drawn. Minor characters are equally vibrant, particularly Walter, Lula’s rugged but kind stepfather, and Seth, the school’s unexpectedly wholesome and gentle quarterback. The X-Files, the details of which both Lula and Rory lovingly recount, provides a strong common language and set of symbols throughout.
Carefully and subtly imagined.
Catch the full review here: Kirkus Reviews Weird Girl and What’s His Name.